Key Performance Indicators

What it is

A component of the Enhanced Financials Analysis is available to current performance group members which defines seventeen key performance indicators with graphical and numerical review of your company compared to the group average and co-members of your choosing.

What it can do for you

Track your performance versus that of your peers for a time frame of your choice (i.e. last month, last quarter, etc.) using tools such as cost per up, return on assets, inventory turn, performance index, GMROI, and gross margin per square foot selling space and gain from the collective strengths of the group.

*Availability based on group participation.

Preview of Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators | FurnitureCore

Contact Us About Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Call us toll-free: 1 (800) 826-8868 or complete the Contact Us form below. We will respond within 48 hours of receipt of your submission.

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